In the realm of sports, where strength takes flight,
A tale unfolds, of darkness turned to light.

Though a car accident stole my ability to run,
Within my spirit, a fiery passion had begun.
Handicap, they said, would be my fate,
But through perseverance, I discovered a new gate.

For within every challenge, lies hidden strength,
A chance to rise above, regardless of length.
In sports, I found a different kind of grace,
Where limitations don't define my pace.
Adaptation became my unwavering guide,
As I sought new ways to push and stride.
From the basketball court to a tennis game,

I reclaimed my sense of self, my name.
Each movement, every triumph, a victory sweet,
A testament to the will inside that can't be beat.
With wheels beneath me, I roll, I glide,
A symbol of resilience, impossible to hide.
And though my legs no longer sprint or soar,

Through sports, my spirit continues to explore.
So let it be known, to one and all,
That in the face of adversity, I stand tall.

For sports and handicap can perfectly meld,
A story of courage and triumph to be held.
My spirit in sport


My spirit in sport

Private equity
